I was thinking about how the basics in life are the basics in business….being honest and consistent in your business practices and brand messaging. Don’t over-promise…over-deliver and hold yourself accountable – accountability is the highest common denominator.
These sorts of thoughts run through my head all the time. I don’t separate my life into work and others. Work is one of the ways I invest my time as I live my life. As such, I don’t have one set of values for work and another set for the rest of the time.
It’s hard work finding customers. I want to keep them. It’s too expensive to just work with people once. I feel the same way about my friends. However I found them, I appreciate them. I’ve invested in our relationships and I don’t want to squander that investment and I have accountability for maintaining the relationship.
So, whether it’s at work or elsewhere I behave in a manner that I believe encourages trust. I believe I’m worthy of people’s trust and I behave accordingly. I mentioned being honest and consistent about what I say. I do my best to manage expectations. I want people to feel they get more out of their time with me than it “cost” them. I want people to want to have a relationship with me, business or otherwise.
I treat people with respect and as a business basic it goes a long way. I do my best to be on time and I want others to show me the same courtesy. I listen to people when they talk to me; I want others to give me their attention when I am speaking to them. I treat people fairly and want to be treated so in return. This is beginning to sound like a rant and that’s not my intention. What I’m offering is the belief that treating people with respect is appropriate behavior at all times: at work, behind the wheel of your car, at home, everywhere. Not everyone has gotten this message. All I can do is do my best to lead by example.
I am asking everyone who reads this, to do your best to do the same. Holding ourselves accountable to the highest common denominator standard of behavior will enrich all of our lives. I think that’s what civilization is supposed to do for us.
If I may, let me encourage you to choose accountability and civility.